I can hardly believe that summer is almost over. In typical fashion, it flew by so quickly that I didn't have the chance to do even half of the things I had intended to do. My plans were interrupted by that awful nemesis named Murphy. But despite Murphy's disruptive presence, I still managed to make numerous batches of homemade jam, enjoy many home cooked meals while dining alfresco, share a picnic with a friend at a local arboretum, take my nieces out to tea, spend a long weekend with family at the beach, plant and enjoy the rewards from my garden, and spend a glorious and romantic week in beautiful St. John with my husband!
But now autumn is knocking on my door with it's crisp, cool breezes. Despite the grieving I do each summers end, there are many things to look forward to, like hot cocoa by the fire, homemade apple pie, and soft cozy sweaters. With the arrival of September you'll find me busily crafting in my studio in preparation for the Victorian Faire, or creating custom Christmas orders for my early bird customers. The work has already begun with the first dreamy trees created, listed and already sold. But there are many more to come. I hope you'll stop by for a peek!