Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Dinner Fairy didn't show up...

So here I am with my new blog... and a twitter and a flickr account too! Sounds like symptoms of a strange disease. Who came up with these silly names anyway? I confess I put off joining all of them until a friend convinced me I absolutely had to blog, twitter and flickr to get my shops noticed. So now I'm blogging. And twittering. And flickring. And now there's not much time left to run my shops! How do all of you creative shop owners keep up with everything anyway? Do you still cook and clean and do laundry? I keep waiting for the Dinner Fairy to show up but she's nowhere to be found. When she does finally arrive, I ought to fire her. But I'll wait until after she cooks my dinner...

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Thank you for visiting the blog for The Illusive Swan. I appreciate each and every comment- Tracey